Set ini memudahkan ibu ayah yang walaupun dalam keadaan yang sangat sibuk.. Ibu ayah tetap dapat menyediakan makanan bayi yang segar dari rumah untuk si kecil
- Tanpa garam
- Tanpa gula
- Pasti TIADA bahan pengawet
- Hanya 100% kebaikanSup daging is a powerhouse of nutrition and comfort! 3 reasons why Sup Daging is good for your baby:
1.Vital bundle of nutrients – Beef has a unique mix of nutrients, including high-quality protein, iron, zinc, choline, selenium and vitamins B6 and B12, essential for growth and development in your baby
2.Strong minds and bodies – Supports brain health and development in little ones, with nutrients including iron and zinc, which can be absorbed more easily from beef than from plants
3.Creating a healthy palate – Introducing a variety of flavors and textures, like beef, encourages infants to accept the taste of healthy foods as they grow older.
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